1. If player has any cold symptoms, cough, shortness of breath, fever (100.0, do not attend sports
2. If anybody in direct family has a fever (100.0), do not attend sports until everybody in the family has had no fever for at least 48 hours
3. If a family member has been diagnosed with COVID-19; quarantine for 14 days before attending sports
4. If you have to cough / sneeze, do so in your elbow
5. No physical contact (hand shaking / high fives)
6. There is at least 6 feet distance between players and coaches (and players amongst themselves if required by CDC)
7. There is no sharing of any personal equipment allowed
8. Bathroom (port-o-john) use no more than 1 person at the time; sanitize hands and clean faucets after use. Minimize bathroom use.
9. Clearly mark bag for medication / epi-pen use if needed
Safety Protocol
New Jersey Youth Soccer (NJYS) will be entering Phase 3 on June 22, 2020 allowing clubs to begin actively training players. Below are the guidelines set by NJYS and our club to ensure the safety and health of all players, coaches and families. Please read all guidelines to ensure the health of all. Thank you.
1. Inform players about all applicable measurements and restrictions
2. Be familiar with facility check in procedures as described
3. Do not carpool players; only bring a player from your own household
4. No parents on sideline allowed
5. All parents stay in car & around car after drop off and pick up
6. Do not drop off more than 10 minutes prior to session start
7. Be ready to pick up immediately at the end of the training session
Phase 3: Public health authorities allow small group activities.
Below is criteria for participation in permitted small group training sessions (includes players, coaches and staff).
1.No signs or symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days and have no known exposure to someone that has been ill in 14 days.
2. Have no above normal temperature readings; temperature checks should not be conducted by staff but by players and their families prior to attending training.
3. Upon arrival to training, coaches or staff should ask each player if he/she is experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 (see CDC website) including, but not limited to, cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell. If the player has any signs or symptoms of COVID- 19, he/she should be sent home and instructed to contact his/her healthcare provider as soon as possible.
4. Small group training sessions should take place outside in an area where physicaldistancing can be maintained.
5. Participants should use their own equipment and properly sanitize the equipmentafter every training session.
6. Participants should use their own water bottle, towel and any other personal hygiene products.
7. Avoid any activities that may require direct or indirect contact (e.g. bumping, tackling, shielding) between players.
8. Establish a cleaning schedule/protocol for equipment with the proper use of disinfectant before, during, and after training.
9. Ensure participants are wearing appropriate (e.g. government required) personal protective equipment (gloves,mask, etc.)
10.While coaching can occur onsite, coaches must maintain physical distancing from participants.[page2image21048]
1. There is no spitting (either saliva or water) allowed on the field at any time
2. Wash your hands thoroughly before leaving home, sanitize hands again before entering the field
3. Come fully dressed and ready to play onto the field; there is no changing outfits / footwear on the field
4. Do not touch any training equipment with hands (balls / cones / goals / etc)
5. Go to the bathroom before coming to the session to minimize bathroom use
6. There is no heading allowed
7. Players leave immediately after the end of the session
8. Optional gloves and mask for the duration of the session (or CDC guidelines)